Malnutrition for Children

What we do: 

To tackle this issue, we run awareness campaigns and programs to educate parents and caregivers on proper nutrition for children. 

The government of India has implemented various initiatives which we also try to bring to ground and connect people with. Such programs include, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program. And many more such community-based programs, nutrition education campaigns, and partnerships with local health providers.

Why its important: 

Malnutrition is a major public health concern in India, with one-third of the world's malnourished children living in the country. It can cause stunted growth, weakened immunity, and a higher risk of diseases, affecting a child's physical and mental development.

Poverty, lack of access to basic amenities and healthcare, and insufficient food intake are some of the reasons for malnutrition, which is most common in rural areas.

Early intervention, including educating mothers on proper nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and early screening and treatment for malnutrition, are effective strategies to combat malnutrition.

In conclusion, addressing malnutrition in India requires a multi-faceted approach, including government programs, community-based efforts, and education and awareness campaigns. Early intervention is key to preventing the long-term effects of malnutrition on children's health and well-being.