Organic Farming

What we do:

We take the message, and educate on the benefits of Orgaic Farming to interiors who are still unaware. 

We introduce the farmers to several government programs, initiatives and even certification programs which provides financial incentives for farmers to adopt organic farming practices. 

Why it is important: 

Organic farming is becoming increasingly important in India due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is that organic farming promotes sustainability and reduces environmental degradation. India is a country with a vast agricultural sector, and conventional farming practices often rely on synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and other chemicals that can harm the environment and contaminate soil and water resources. Organic farming, on the other hand, emphasises the use of natural inputs and methods to improve soil health, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Another reason why organic farming is important in India is that it can promote the health and well-being of farmers and consumers. Organic food is grown without synthetic chemicals, which means that it is free from harmful residues that can affect human health. Organic farming also promotes biodiversity, which can help to conserve plant and animal species that are important for ecological balance.

Moreover, organic farming can help to support rural livelihoods and promote social justice. Organic farming often relies on traditional knowledge and practices, which can help to preserve cultural heritage and promote rural development. Organic farming can also provide economic opportunities for small and marginalised farmers who may not have access to conventional markets. 

In conclusion, organic farming has the potential to promote sustainability, health, and social justice in India. It is important to continue to invest in research and development of organic farming methods and to promote policies that support the growth of the organic farming sector in India.